Friday, February 22, 2008

Music Is One Of My Passions

Music is one of my passions. I play a jumbo Guild guitar vintage circa 1965 pear wood acoustic - that's my favorite. A good friend taught me the basics of early 20th century rural blues - I'd been into American folk music and writing some music and songs. Thirty-five years later I do occasional walk-ons on Open Mike Nites and play at my grand daughter's school.

Music is one of the universal languages. My collection is global and in it you hear all the strands of sound - timber and rhythm, harmonies and lyrics - coming together in reflection of the human condition - all the joys and sorrows, all the dreams and hopes from all the ages brought into the present.


The Vegas Art Guy said...

Music is a great gift. What other kinds of music do you like? You should post a pic of that guitar too...

txdave said...

Internet readers tend to need some color, variety of font/format. Photos also help, see wht I mean:

good luck
