Friday, June 12, 2009

"Did That Really Happen"

"Did That Really Happen?" was the title of the "Sport's Illustrated" article about Mine that Bird ridden by Calvin Borel winning the Kentucky Derby a 50 - 1 long shot and it's an all around amazing story.

Calvin Borel's life and the life of horse trainer Chip Woolley Jr. show what sheer guts, passion and stick-with-itness can accomplish. The link in this entry is a 10 minute YouTube video of this amazing race. It's inspiring.

Monday, January 05, 2009

What We Do Might Be For You!

We help people feel better, live better and do better. We offer people hope for a better life. Watch the seven minute video and see if it's something you want.

When you love what you do, make a difference, and live your life in a way that helps people live better lives, life rewards you with many blessings of abundance and gratitude.